38. Windmill Hill, a mile northwest of Avebury, from where Wiltshire's monuments originated.
Archaeologists describe Windmill Hill as a causewayed enclosure. This is misleading because it was where people 3,700 years ago scribed out a massive egg based on the megalithic yard. The largest arc of the egg measures 375 megalithic yards (311.25 m). So, Windmill Hill was a vast geometric experiment that gave rise to the underlying geometry of Avebury's outer ring of megaliths (large stones).
It was 1926, and the archaeologist Harold St George Gray was excavating the outer ring on top of Windmill Hill when he found a three-inch-long chalk phallus.
This is a letter that Harold St George Gray sent to the Scottish Marmalade millionaire and amateur archaeologist Alexander Keiller.
Quote: Phallus of chalk of a flattened cross-section, the glans penis well defined by a deep encircling groove. Length three and three eights of an inch. Sept 9 1926b. Ref. Windmill Hill notebook Vol 2. P28-29.
So, Windmill Hill had a lot to do with fertility!
No wonder Keiller's curiosity was piqued, causing him to purchase Windmill Hill and rescue it from Marconi, who wanted to build a radio relay station on top of it.
39. Approximately 5,700 years ago, a significant event occurred in the history of human civilisation. Before the iconic Stonehenge was even a thought, the people of Windmill Hill undertook a monumental task. They dug a two-metre-deep ring ditch shaped like a 450-megalithic-yard-long pure white egg. (1225 feet, 373 metres).
This geometric wonder, which could be scaled up or down, was based on circles measuring 375 and 325 diameters with their centres placed 100 megalithic yards apart. The blend radii to these circles were cast from the acute corners of Pythagorean triangles to give a pair of impressive 375 megalithic yard arcs.
Sometime later, this geometry was doubled and transferred to the nearby Avebury, where seventeen monoliths produced a 750 MY radius antenna aimed at the moon. This massive arc can be seen to run between points M and F in Picture 1.
40. The north-western slope of Windmill Hill.
It's well-known that some 50% of Rings A and B ditches slither down the steep slope on its north-western side. Their approximate tracks are illustrated above in white.
There are two reasons for this. One is to bring it in line with a distant notch through which the southernmost moonset enters at Major Standstills. Only by centring the monument as far to the northwest as possible could a 230-degree azimuth be maintained.
The other reason is to aim Ring C - the Yolk - at the Dark Sky.
41. Avebury, shown with a twice-size WH egg.
Our analysis of the geometry of Avebury's outer ring of stones sheds light on the progressive evolution of architectural techniques. The builders' initial attempts, dating back to 3,700 BC, were grand in scale. However, after discovering the cord and sagitta method, their approach was simplified by avoiding drawing arcs from their centre points. Avebury people could now construct a 750-radius antenna with a 244 MY long cord and a 10 MY sagitta.
Professor Alexander Thom’s sharp eye for detail and excellent surveying skills helped him uncover the intricate geometry of Avebury. His work is justifiably recognised for depicting Avebury's image and the effort required to comprehend it. However, it's unfortunate that he failed to notice or chose to ignore the 30:40:50 triangle at its centre.
42. Professor Alexander Thom maintained that some Scottish monuments were aligned on notches in the landscape that looked as if some angry giant had taken an axe to the horizons of his native Scotland. Megalithic Lunar Observatories. A. Thom.
I don't know whether Professor Thom visited the causewayed enclosure that straddles Avebury's Windmill Hill. Still, if he had, he would not have missed this notch, which is almost five miles from the monument, especially since the southernmost moon enters this notch every 18.61 years.
Imagine this: the modern A361 from Avebury to Devizes aligns with this notch and Ring C - the yolk. Vehicles travel this road at night, their headlights illuminating the way. But what if you capture a photo when the extreme southernmost moon sinks into this notch? It's as if cars have emerged from the moon. A truly unique and rare photo opportunity, wouldn't you agree?
Most moon-aligned 'notches' are subtle, as seen above. Others are in your face, like Migdale in Scotland.
Let's discuss Migdale in Scotland. The Time Team was in awe of Migdale's moon alignment while excavating a pair of round barrows. Picture this: an excavated pyramid-shaped artefact of wood with a standing stone that mirrors Avebury's Silbury Hill, perfectly aligned with the conjunction of a mountain slope at the far end of Loch Migdale. The moon descends this mountain during a Major Standstill, completing this breathtaking alignment.
43. Silbury Hill. The hill that stole Stonehenge's crown.
This is a captivating image of the enigmatic Silbury Hill, its contours softened by a blanket of snow. Photographed when descending from the West Kennet long barrow burial mound, it beckons us to consider its origins. Why was it built, and do we finally have the answers? Let's delve deeper to help uncover the secrets of this ancient marvel!
44. This view displays the outer of three ditches dug at the original ground level. The ditches confirm that the artificial mound was built from the surrounding chalk soil and not from the upcast taken from the ditches, as previously thought, to place Silbury in the centre of a lake.
The outline of the three ditches remains unknown despite the tunnels and shafts dug through to the centre of Silbury's base. These ditches should not be taken as evidence of a monument being built in stages - like afterthoughts followed by more afterthoughts.
In 1776-7, Col. Drax supervised a team of coal miners who drilled a shaft from top to bottom, searching for the fabled King Sil's burial site. Drax hoped to find the King wearing a suit of armour and regally mounted on his horse.
Before reaching the bottom of Col. Drax's shaft, The miners encountered a perpendicular void, about six inches in diameter, which extended to ground level, nearly 40 feet below. This void was the only remaining testimony to an oak post that once stood there. The post, which had rotted away, was placed upright to ensure that Silbury's centre point remained accurate as the mound rose in height. It should be noted that this plain post was not a totem pole and, therefore, has nothing whatsoever to do with Red Indians.
The post was placed in the centre of a likely ten-sided circle (a decagon) to ensure Silbury Hill was constructed in its designated location.
Silbury Hill, a testament to human ingenuity, competed against Stonehenge. It was also pitted against the "Super circuit," a recent discovery of several deep pits encircling Durrington Walls. Stonehenge, it seems, was not to be outshone!
One more thing: if archaeologists found something of real importance at Silbury's base, they would not tell us about it! After all, a beguiling mystery is a good deal more fascinating than a humdrum truth.
45. There was a time when this view from Avebury's Sanctuary was very different from that seen here. People building the Sanctuary in those days saw that the slope leading down from the peak of the distant Cherhill Hill was clear and unobstructed.
Furthermore, Avebury’s early residents were acutely aware that Cherhill Hill had been crucial in aiming Avebury’s equinoctial egg at Cherhill's northern slope and realised this fabulous hill offered scope for further potential.
So, Avebury folks built Silbury Hill at a specific height and location to create an astronomically aligned notch in the horizon.
This notch was designed to capture the sun at sunset to rest on Silbury's crest and illuminate its lake with an immense searchlight effect.
The moon could hardly fail to be impressed by this brilliant piece of Neolithic theatre and be compelled to join him in astronomical intercourse.
46. The changing levels between the Sanctuary and the peak of Cherhill Hill are exaggerated ten times in the vertical plane. The graph indicates that Silbury was not built piecemeal stage by stage, but its final height was predetermined.
47. Silbury was finished in 2400 BC, superseding the sarsen and bluestone building of Stonehenge.
Silbury is 44.5 megalithic yards high with a 200 megalithic yard diameter base. This base is likely to be a 10-sided circle known as a Decagon. The importance of a decagon to Avebury folks was that it respects the Stone Age 10-degree rule. Furthermore, each division measures 36 degrees, which relates to Stonehenge's 36 megalithic yard diameter and the 36 MY diameter of the flat platform on top of Silbuy's mound.
48. The Palisades straddle the River Kennet a little way downstream from Silbury Hill.
This image is based on a photo taken from the top of the West Kennet long barrow.
Built from 5,000 oak posts held up with sarsen boulders and the bones of 5,000 specially bred piglets.
CAD proves there were more arcs of different sizes in this structure than you can shake a stick at! There was only one reason for so many arcs of different sizes: to imbue the river with a spirit of growth and pass it downstream to the Marlborough Mound.
The vast number of nine-month-old piglets- like those at Durrington Walls- also imbued the river with the essence of life.
Then, they set fire to it.!
What looks like a mound, seen coloured red, was named Silbaby by someone until it was proved to be natural. It was probably made from the spoil cast out from roadmaking. There is a spring at Silbaby's base, along with the more famous 'Swallow Spring,' which feeds the river Kennet.
49. The idea that Avebury’s Palisades represent testes may seem ridiculous until we consider the circles of Beaghmore in Ireland. If Beaghmore’s circles aren’t testes, I don’t know what is.
This image has been taken from my out-of-print 2007 book “Stonehenge Secrets. 1SBN 978-0-9553012-1-6
This is the text from Stonehenge Secrets….
Bronze Age man was well aware of the potential of at least six different forms of life and used them all from time to time, and sometimes all together. A list of these life-giving entities would include the life forces of animals, and humans too – what you might call the spirits of the dead. They also used seeds of barley and wheat, eggs - sometimes made of stone, the womb, semen, sun and moonlight, and phallic symbols of both sexes. With such a vast arsenal of weapons at their disposal, it is hardly surprising that they were able to build so many different and unique monuments
At Beaghmore, the perfectly circular cairns, which I have shown in red, were equipped with at least one of these forms of life – that of humans. Also, in one of the cairns was found a Porcellanite axe-head. We don’t hear much about these beautiful black axe-heads from County Antrim, but these carefully fashioned artefacts were exported to places as far away as present-day London and Aberdeen.
With most circles aimed at the major standstill, or perhaps simply inside the moon-arc, Irish Beaghmore proves the moon to be a lady. The product of these cairns is about to be ejectaculated (you won’t find this word in the dictionary) into space on their way to the moon.
Two of the rows leaving the small circles and cairn on the right aim at the sun with a third perhaps aiming at a star.
So, there are no prizes for guessing the meaning of this perfectly preserved monument: I am very surprised that no-one seems to have guessed it before. (Oh, come on now, someone must have done.)
I have just finished reading Aubrey Burl’s book ‘Circles of Stones,’ and several monuments that he mentions are of great interest to me, Beaghmore in particular, very nearly tells it all. Not being able to reproduce Burl’s plan view of Beaghmore, here, I refer the reader to page 82 of Aubrey Burl’s book. The early Bronze Age people who arranged the stones at Beaghmore were quite capable of building perfect circles, as is proved by the perfectly circular burial cairns. The less than perfect, larger circles of stones, were therefore meant to be less than perfectly circular. So, what ball-shape can we think of, that is less than perfectly round?
Beaghmore proves that Bronze Age man understood the moon to be female by trying to make her pregnant. The cairns at this site were obviously intended to be sun seeds. This has obvious implications for all other cairns, and round barrows as well, perhaps.
Fortunately for archaeology, Beaghmore remained protected beneath a peat bog until discovered by peat diggers who recognised its archaeological value. Beaghmore was constructed using mainly small stones and was simply a way of making a drawing upon the ground. Small stones like these would normally have been taken away a long time ago for the construction of dwellings, walls, and roads, etcetera, and gives an idea of what really happened to most of our English monuments. I do not know of any similar monument as vulnerable as Beaghmore that has stood the ravages of time so well. But once we accept the idea of a moon, pregnant with a baby sun, as a viable hypothesis, it will open up a whole new world of meaning for our stone age monuments and will allow what was once regarded as incredible fantasies to be the truth.
The beaker peoples wish to give birth to a baby sun, is the only hypothesis that fits all the known facts.
50. The Marlborough Mound. Proven late Neolithic, built five miles downstream from Silbury Hill and viewed in 2023 to find that this mound has had a Haircut - every tree has been lopped down to stumps.
Perhaps this mound was meant to be the child of the Palisades.
51. Miscellaneous stuff.
With its angular top, Avebury's Cove stone number one suggests the male gender. The angular top was Neolithic man's idea of signalling male and was reproduced UK-wide, from Stonehenge to Orkney, and even a stone in the Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni in Malta.
The principle is entirely separate from a phallic symbol type of stone.
52. This large stone pair forms part of Avebury's outer circuit. They are female gender. The stone in the middle forms part of Avebury's Southern Circle and is male. Behind it can be seen the so-called Z-feature and a concrete plinth that marks the position of the Obelisk.
53. The 'Z-feature' in the middle of Avebury's Southern Circle.
Concrete plinths replaced some of the stones that Alexander Keiller found were missing. Here we have another look at the plinth that marks the position of the six-metre-high, - circular in section - phallic Obelisk, destroyed while Stukeley looked on in horror.
54. The Swindon Stone gets its name from standing alongside the road to Swindon. This stone is female gender. The road exits Avebury via its northern causeway, which Avebury's early geometers built.
55. With circles marked out in white concrete blocks to represent sarsen stones and red concrete cylinders to represent timber posts, this is what the Sanctuary looks like today.